Sunday, May 29, 2011

2 Years Later.....

Hi All I am back After a long hiatus, and if I had nothing to say in the last year, nothing much happened either.I am currently at CBE at Vasanth thatha's place - scaring the heebie - jeebies out of Sharanya - my little sister who was born last month. Hoo boy I mean girl... is she small.....I have a pretty full life nowa days - going up to Geetha pati's place for sweets every alternate hour,yoodling with Sharanya, sleeping in her mosquito net, using her bath chair and generally making people go crazy... I am happy bcos Amma plays a lot with me now - something she could 'nt before Sharanya was born.
I try teaching Sharanya my rhymes and games though I do not see the light of comprehension on her face. Haha..Guess she really needs to pick up. As of now all she can do is cry and feed.. maybe punch the air a couple a times. Imagine being so puny...Anyways I plan to take care of her as well as I can .. if I have the time that is... I have enrolled into a new playschool at Chennai - First sCHOOL--I believe it's called and I am planning to give this school and my teacher all attention from June 27th on wards.You can check out my Marudhani stuff in the first photo and my new protege in the second....Until we meet again.. Amicalement
I 'll meet you once I go