Saturday, March 9, 2013

I am 4 Now

Hoo Girls & Boys .. I am 4 now and just going to PP2- That;s kindergarden in the US and UKG in India. Life's good and I really have to put on record that my dad is doing a singularly bad job of keeping the general public updated about my progress.. Need to check on Sharanys;s blog though -- I am sure people find time to keep that updated .... Come on ......After all, who does the world need to know about ???? Nepotism rearing it;s ugly head -- ??  Anyway guys here's the stuff. my party photos Amma made very one of the dishes you see down there at home. A unique party- when compared to all the burgers and pepsis in all the parties I go to. Yummy cup, cake choco cakes, smileys and noodles. Appa of course did his bst to scuttle the party by coming late from office and it was a Saturday - can you imagine. He did his bit by tying balloons around the place -- but between you and me -- I would'nt call it a great job.

Here 's me with my friends cutting the cake. Hahah Sharanya looked a little like the Green Monster -- hooo eat you heart out Baby. It is my time to crow....But come on Sharanya, you have your b'day coming up in April after all --I'll tell Amma to do her best --but remember  I get the first piece of the cake with the cherry and 2 new dresses for your birthday as well. Deal ???/

The astute reader no doubt must have divined that there is an ongoing tug of war between us. But the truth is that though we fight, we love each other and have fun - we are especially great when it comes to gheraoing dad to take us out to the Hotel . .

Here;s Manasa and me -- my best frenemy... We fight all the time and of course patch up on the fly too.  She studies in the same school as I do and lives on the same floor-- of course, you get the connection.       Well, last but not the least I have a hobby now  - mummy would say the terminology is debatable but anyway - I dont think Picasso & Vincent Gogh  can hold a candle to my stuff. For your perusal, I am attaching some of my stuff here                       
 So see ya folks - stay strong , stay healthy.. AS my dad says RUN... EAT A TON.. THIS IS NOT SAID IN PUN.......